Michigan State Police cracking down on summertime speeding

Michigan State Police

An increase in speeding enforcement is happening throughout July, and officials with the Michigan State Police want drivers to take note.

There were 26,700 crashes that involved speeding in Michigan in 2022, an 8.7% increase from the year before. As of July 1, 2024, the Michigan State Police did not reveal speed-related crash figures for 2023.

“Each speeding vehicle is a potential catalyst for tragedy, adding to the grim tally of preventable fatalities and crashes each year,” Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning Director Katie Bower said. “It is our hope this speed enforcement period will help lessen the impact of dangerous, impatient drivers this summer. While some people may focus on fines for speeding, the biggest issues are how many lives are put at risk because of speeding and how many crashes could be avoided if drivers simply slowed down.”

A review of speed-involved data from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute found that 13.2% of unrestrained drivers involved in crashes were speeding, 10.6% of drivers between the ages of 15-20 involved in crashes were speeding, and 14.3% of motorcycle operators involved in crashes were speeding.

“We are in the busy, warm weather season with many families driving to their favorite summer destinations,” Bower said. “Unfortunately, there will be drivers who put everyone at risk by speeding and driving recklessly, making crashes more likely.”

Nationally in 2022, there were 12,151 fatal crashes in which one or more drivers were speeding. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2022, 87% of all speeding-related fatalities occurred on non-interstate roads.