Three Rivers City Commission approves downtown plan

The Three Rivers Downtown Develoment Authority (DDA) area surrounding much of the city center and beyond.

The Three Rivers City Commission (TRCC) voted 4-1 Tuesday to adopt a Downtown Plan for Development and City Growth. The plan was recommended by both the Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority and Planning Commission.

Downtowns and downtown corridors are economic engines for communities, according to a statement by the recommending agencies. Having a plan “adds predicatability for future development” and helps “local efforts to support businesses and promote community gathering spaces.”

In their reccomendation, the DDA and Planning Commission stated the plan is designed to support and strengthen downtown businesses. It also follows requirements from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) for Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) certification.

The 11-page plan includes implementation strategies for five projects:

  • Creation of an ice skating rink, most recently deemed a high priority project with an estimated $150,000 cost
  • Creation of public art and murals, another high priority project with an estiamted $75,000 cost
  • Implementing Main Street “streetscape” improvements for a more pedestrian-friendly environment, a medium priority project with an estimated $250,000 cost
  • Developing electric vehicle-related infrstructure, policies and services including charging stations, a high priority project with an estimated $25,000 cost
  • Growing and enhancing Three Rivers’ non-motorized trails, a medium priority project with an estimated $150,000 cost

“All costs are estimates and will change based on the scope of the project and grants available to implement the project (with local matching funds),” the plan states. “The DDA/Main Street Board will work closely with the City of Three Rivers to develop a more detailed list of components of these projects within their yearly capital improvements program update and prioritize projects based on matching funds from the fund balance.”

Third District Commissioner Chris Abel was the lone dissenting vote Tuesday. Approximately 20 people including commissioners and city staff attended the meeting. No members of the public spoke against or for the downtown plan.

“Why is it that we never do anything other than downtown?” Abel asked. “This (DDA) district is fairly large. It takes up a lot of different areas in the city, but the only place that we ever do anything is downtown. If I were a business owner on, say, West Michigan (Avenue), I’d be ticked, because I’m paying a lot of extra taxes for this and I’m not getting any benefit whatsoever.”

City Manager Joe Bippus said he would convey Abel’s comments to the DDA and Planning Commission. Less than a minute later, Commissioners Lucas Allen, Torrey Brown, Pat Dane, and Steven Haigh approved the Downtown Plan.

  • Three Rivers Mayor Tom Lowry and Fourth District Commissioner Carolyn McNary were absent from Tuesday’s meeting. Dane presided in Lowry’s absence.
  • The next Three Rivers City Commission meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 6.