Candidate Questionnaire: Gordon Evilsizor

Gordon Evilsizor, St. Joseph County sheriff candidate. (Courtesy Gordon Evilsizor)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for August’s St. Joseph County sheriff primary election. We will run all completed questionnaires in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Gordon Evilsizor filled out our questionnaire. These are his answers.​

Editor’s note: The formatting and content of this questionnaire are presented as they were submitted. Gordon Evilsizor is one of five challengers including Dennis Allen, Jason Bingaman, Joe Bingaman, and Chad Spence.

Name: Gordon L. Evilsizor 

Age: 60 

Address: 17770 Stears Rd. White Pigeon Mi. 49099 

Party affiliation: Republican 

Are you an incumbent? No

Family: I am a father of two wonderful adult children, I am a christian, and I love my wonderful county of St. Joseph.


Lifelong resident of St. Joseph county, I am a father, I have been a business owner for over thirty years serving our farming community. God Bless our Farmers!!

Why did you choose to run for the St. Joseph County Sheriff?

As a business owner and my experience as a law enforcement officer and my experience as a township supervisor for eight years, I feel I can bring a fresh perspective to the Sheriff’s department that serves “We the People” a perspective that has been missing in our county. I am running for Sheriff to provide proper enforcement of the rule of Law, fairness and equal treatment under the Law, and supervision of deputies and enforcement of the Law of the Sheriff.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role? If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

I was elected as the Florence Township Supervisor for two, four year terms. My biggest accomplishment as Supervisor was negotiating the Constantine Road reconstruction (voted the worst road in the county). A 6.4 mile project that involved three townships, (White Pigeon, Constantine and Florence)and I also worked with the county road commission, the county Commissioner’s and our state Senator and state Representative for two state grants for two miles of reconstruction on this project. I have demonstrated that I can work with other departments to bring an idea to completion. If you entrust me as your newly elected Sheriff, I will give you the same ” I don’t give up attitude”in reconstructing the Sheriff’s Department to its number one goal, Serving You!!!

How long have you lived in the area you are seeking to represent?

I am a lifelong resident of St. Joseph County.

In your opinion, what are the three most important issues in the area relative to the scope of your position, and why?

Drugs, educating our youth on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, maintain a well organized and secure jail. 

What measures will you pursue to address those issues?

I will bring back our drug unit to the Sheriff’s department with the proper staffing and will enforce those drug laws with vigor. I will work with parents and our schools and our townships and cities to implement a community program to educate our youth on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, as our youth will be our future leaders. As your Sheriff, I will reorganize the jail, first on day one I will implement an “Open Door” policy to the Sheriff. The jail will be cleaner, the food will improve, locals will stay in our local jail so that relatives, loved ones,and local pastors will be able to visit and help our currently incarcerated local people. The community can be present in the local jail, in regards to their loved ones. 

What would you say is your leadership style, and how will you utilize its strengths in your position?

I have never been a Quitter, and as your Sheriff there will be numerous issues that will need attention and I will work to solve the problems that come in front of me to the betterment of the citizens of this great county. As I’ve stated before, I’ll need input from the people to serve as you want me too.

How would you work to reform the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department? If you would not reform it, please explain why.

As I have stated, in my opinion the sheriff’ department needs to serve “We The People” that will be my mission to serve the people, and I hope if elected that the public would hold me accountable in providing the kind of Sheriff’s Department you expect. 

How would you work to regain the public’s trust in the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department?

The first thing I will do to regain the public trust is to take the job seriously and show up to do my job daily, as that has not been happening with our current administration. As I would be working for you the public, I would want input from the public on what kind of Sheriff’s department you want. I want to hear the public’s concerns and thoughts on what’s expected from the sheriff we elected. As a reminder, the government is supposed to work for YOU, not we work for the government. As your Sheriff I will do just that, work for YOU. Do you consider yourself a candidate with high personal integrity? If so, why? Yes, as a christian, God guides me in the direction of TRUE, and with that direction I feel that is the highest of Integrity. 

How would your administration as sheriff differ from previous administrations?

The sheriff is the highest position in county government, with that position it holds a lot of responsibility. The number one responsibility is to serve the people, a responsibility I feel that has been lacking and taken for granted. Once again, “Don’t We Deserve Better”. The job of the Sheriff is to enforce the LAW.

How will you know that you’re accurately representing your community?

Simple, When the citizens come to me and thank me for the great job i am doing on their behalf. As that is the job of the Sheriff.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?

I am a Patriot-Author- Believer in Freedom. I am a Man,Father, Christian,Trucker, graduate of the KVCC police academy (Kalamazoo), patrolman for the White Pigeon police department for many years. I was elected as the Florence Township Supervisor for two, four year terms, I have been an irrigation installation contractor for over twenty years, serving our farmers in the community. God Bless our Farmers. I am the only Constitutional candidate in our Sheriff’s race.