Candidate Questionnaire: Jeffery Wenzel

Jeffery Wenzel, incumbent and St. Joseph County drain commissioner candidate. (Courtesy Jeffery Wenzel)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for August’s St. Joseph County drain commissioner primary election. We will run all completed questionnaires in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Jeffery Wenzel filled out our questionnaire. These are his answers.​

Editor’s note: The formatting and content of this questionnaire are presented as they were submitted. Jeffery Wenzel is the incumbent, facing challenger Josh Harter.

Name: Jeffery Wenzel
Age: 64
Address: 24460 Butternut Dr. Sturgis, MI 49091
Party affiliation: Republican
Are you an incumbent? Yes
Family (optional): I am one of four brothers. I raised my two sons as a single dad, my sons are now in their 30’s. I also have two grandchildren.

Lifelong resident of St. Joseph County. I graduated from Sturgis High School in 1978 and have lived in Sturgis for 64 years now. I graduated from Glen Oaks Community College in 1980. In 1983, before my two sons were born, I built my current home on Lake Templene with my father and grandfather and have lived there since. I am very active in our lake association. I enjoy traveling, spending time with my family, and spending time on the lake.

Why did you choose to run for St. Joseph County Drain Commissioner?

I chose to run 16 years ago after I was approached by County Commissioners at the time, Gerald Loudenslager and David Pueschel to run for the position. I wanted to make a change for the Drain Commissioner’s office, work with the constituents and farmers of the county to help alleviate flooding but also make things much more cost effective for the county, the townships, and the people of St. Joseph County.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role?

I have been in the Drain Commissioner role since 2009.

If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

I run two departments: the drain office and the soil erosion & sedimentation control program (a program under EGLE, Environmental Great Lakes & Energy). I had the fee schedule lowered by 80% than what it was when my office took it over. My deputy and I are both storm water certified and soil erosion plan & review certified, that we must renew every few years through EGLE as well. I am also in charge of 14 court ordered legal lake levels and 197 county drains.

When dealing with so many people within the county, I must make decisions that are legal and the best for the constituents. I must follow the Michigan Drain Code of 1956 and its amendments. I have been a lake resident myself since 1983 and understand the challenges that lake owners may face. I have been a member of Michigan Lake & Stream since 1985 and a member of the Michigan Waterfront Alliance. I am a board member on Friends of the St. Joe River and a member of Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society. I am also a board member on different lake boards throughout the county by statute to understand & keep up to date with things happening on the lakes.

Having the support and endorsement of the St. Joseph County Farm Bureau for the 2024 election is important as well as I have to work with many farmers in the county to alleviate flooding.

Some projects & accomplishments over the last 16 years:

  • The Wildcat Drain is a project in Three Rivers that is 100% paid for by MDOT, which is the first ever drain project that MDOT has paid 100% of the project in the State of Michigan.
  • The Nye Drain in the City of Sturgis/Sturgis Township was having a flooding issue, so we did construction and the whole process to create a new drainage district/branch of the Nye Drain to alleviate flooding for the constituents in that area. This project was petitioned to the Drain Commissioner’s office by Sturgis Township.
  • The “White Elephant” in Sturgis, I took it from a 3-year flood to a 100-year flood on Fawn River Road, I allowed the City of Sturgis to do the work to save thousands of dollars.
  • I negotiated a settlement with Enbridge Oil/Vector Pipeline to pay all past legal fees that were incurred previous to me taking office in 2009. This saved the county itself and the residents of St. Joseph County thousands of dollars.
  • After years of disagreement between property owners, I settled the Millburn Peat Bog issue in Park Township
  • The Park Drain is a 6 1⁄2 mile long drain, estimated cost of a petitioned project was calculated at more than $600,000.00, I initiated a maintenance program over 10 years and completed the maintenance project for the Park Drain in its entirety with a cost of $130,000.00.

How long have you lived in the area you are seeking to represent?

64 years.

In your opinion, what are the three most important issues relative to the scope of your position, and why?

To be fiscally reasonable for the County, the townships, and the residents, to also follow the Michigan Drain Code of 1956 and its amendments, and work with constituent’s county wide in a fair way to help alleviate flooding and keep erosion minimal.

What measures will you pursue to address those issues?

I will continue to follow the guidelines and recommendations from EGLE (Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy) for soil erosion practices. I will continue to follow the Michigan Drain Code of 1956 and seek advice from legal counsel & licensed engineers as needed for projects. I will continue to communicate and work closely with county residents, area farmers, the townships, and the Road Commission to navigate & come to agreements on with projects. I will also keep in contact with lake residents and association board members on issues/projects occurring on the lakes in the county. I attend many evening & weekend meetings to ensure I am keeping up to date with current lake, drain, and erosion issues and continue to keep showing up to these meetings.

Why did you choose to run for the position that you did?

I chose to run 16 years ago after I was approached by County Commissioners at the time, Gerald Loudenslager and David Pueschel to run for the position. I wanted to make a change for the Drain Commissioner’s office, work with the constituents and farmers of the county to help alleviate flooding but also make things much more cost effective for the county, the townships, and the people of St. Joseph County.

What would you say is your leadership style, and how will you utilize its strengths in your position?

My leadership styles would be a democratic style of leadership and pacesetting style of leadership. I work together with farmers, lake residents, the county Road Commission, and many others in the county through dialogue and seeking a consensus to figure out a solution to a problem. I also focus on performance and results. I strive to get things does as quickly as possible and always striving for improvement.

Do you consider yourself a candidate with high personal integrity? If so, why?

Absolutely. I am dependable and I value honesty and openness. I am a patient person & flexible, even when unexpected obstacles arise. I am ethical to which I follow the Michigan Drain Code of 1956 and its amendments. I also strive for open communication with my staff and the constituents in the county.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?

I will continue to serve the constituents of St. Joseph County as the Drain Commissioner in a professional manner to complete projects, fair and reasonable to alleviate flooding.