Candidate Questionnaire: Regina Chapman

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for August’s Park Township trustee primary election. We will run all completed questionnaires in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Regina Chapman filled out our questionnaire. These are her answers.​

Editor’s notes: The formatting and content of this questionnaire are presented as they were submitted. Regina Chapman did not submit a photo of herself. She faces fellow challenger Bill Brislen and incumbent Tom Springer.

Name: Regina (Reggie) Chapman
Age: 69
Address: 54012 Wilbur Road Three Rivers, MI
Party affiliation: republican, 15 years
Are you an incumbent? no
Family: Married 45 years to Gary, two adult sons Chris (teacher) and Jeremy(computer gaming designer) graduates of Three Rivers schools, two adult stepdaughters, Paula ( teacher) and Jennifer (teacher). 10 grandchildren.

Christian, first. Attend Nfluence church Kalamazoo and Elkhart. Born in Three Rivers, graduated from Three Rivers High in 1973, graduated Nazareth College BSN in nursing, 47 years as registered nurse 25 years of obstetrical prenatal and postpartum nursing, asst director of nursing home, worked in hospice care, public health and home health. Founder of Pregnancy Helpline in TR in 1995, codirector and fundraiser , managed non profit for 5 years, Grant writer for organization. Founded Abstinence Resource Network Inc. Been a member of AMAC ( Association of Mature American Citizens) since 2012. Member of Constitutional Sheriff and Possee Association ( CSPOA) last two years. Became a Notary Public this year.

Why are you running for the office of Park Township Trustee?

Have more time to give back to my community, since retirement, been attending township meetings regularly for last two years and learning where the decisions are made… at township meetings!

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role? If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

Elected to serve as precinct delegate and represent SJC at our county conventions and state conventions in ’22 and ’23 for republican party. Do understand and have used Roberts Rules of Order at majority of meetings I have attended.

How long have you lived in the area you are seeking to represent?

44 years In Park township and prior to that Lockport township.

In your opinion, what are the three most important issues to the area relative to the scope of the position you are seeking, and why?

  • 1.Safety in our neighborhoods, drugs, homelessness, blight.
  • 2. Housing and farming preservation
  • 3.Future business development of 131 corridor.

What measures will you pursue to address those issues?

  • Neighborhood watch information and keeping authorities informed.
  • Pursue housing information as we watch for grant opportunities, and future homesteadplans, maintain our farms and assist farmers in finding programs that work.
  • Attend other township, city and county commission meetings to stay up to date on plans for our county and township.

What would you say is your leadership style, and how will you utilize its strengths in your position?

Transformational leadership, I love to motivate people and help them discover their talents and rise up to be leaders in their own right. Would like to see more attendance at township meetings, to listen to other people’s input of how to improve or help our township.

How would you work to regain or maintain the public’s trust in your position?

Be available to people through phone, web, personal visit, maintain our presence in neighborhood.

Do you consider yourself a candidate with high personal integrity? If so, why?

Yes, no criminal record, no bankruptcy, managed non profits with accountability to a board, accept constructive criticism and attempt to be a good leader.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?

Editor’s Note: Chapman did not answer this question.