Letter to the Editor: Endorsement for Deborah Davis as St. Joseph County Prosecuting Attorney

Dear Deborah Davis,

I wanted to congratulate you on running for prosecutor of St. Joseph County. I have worked with many prosecutors in my twenty-four year career as a police officer. However, I have never worked with a prosecutor that has so much compassion and patience with victims.

You went above and beyond any prosecutor I have known; especially when it came to crimes against children. You would meet with the victims, often on your own time, after hours. You would explain the process in terms the victim would understand. You made sure, if they had to testify, that there was a therapy dog available to help calm the child.

In the courtroom your tenacity to obtain justice for victims was unmatched. You made sure you were well versed on the case and understood the laws surrounding it. You would think of things for me to further investigate to ensure the case was solid in hopes the child didn’t have to testify. Everything you did focused around the victims and making sure they weren’t re-victimized.

I know if you were elected as prosecutor you would fight for those that can’t fight for themselves. You would continue to protect the most vulnerable and ensure that justice was achieved. I wish you well and I encourage others to vote for you on August 6, 2024.

Holly M Cerny
Retired Police Officer