Candidate Questionnaire: Frank Perez

Frank Perez, Michigan House of Representatives District 36 Republican primary candidate. (Courtesy Frank Perez)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for August’s Michigan House of Representatives District 36 primary election. We will run all completed questionnaires in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Frank Perez filled out our questionnaire. These are his answers.​

Editor’s note: The formatting of this questionnaire is presented as submitted. Portions of this questionnaire were edited to remove a claim about the district’s current state representative that we considered an opinion being represented as a fact. We also contacted the individual in question to attempt verifying the information. Frank Perez is one of three Republican primary candidates including incumbent Steve Carra and challenger Michael Malmborg.

Name: Frank Perez
Age: 49
Address: 889 S Centerville Rd., Sturgis MI 49091
Party affiliation: Republican
Are you an incumbent? No
Family: My wife Reyna and I have three children Isabel, Emma, Andres and two lab dogs Simba and Nala.

I moved to Sturgis in 1998 and quickly called it home. My call for public service started when I moved to Sturgis and my stewardship has made me a known leader in the community. My personal experience includes serving in the United States Army, committing to several boards, owning two businesses and now serving as the Mayor for the City of Sturgis. I plan to work with anyone who puts Michigan first while reducing taxes and holding Lansing accountable in the way tax dollars are spent. I will fight to make Michigan, specifically Cass and St. Joseph County, a better place to Work, Live and Raise a Family.

Why did you choose to run for the Michigan House of Representatives, District 36?

When I was appointed Mayor in November of 2023, I started to call Lansing trying to find out why projects in the City were not being funded. I chose to run for state representative because I believe our community deserves better, stronger and proactive leadership, which I feel has been lacking under our current representative.

Editor’s Note: In his original questionnaire, Frank Perez commented on Steve Carra being removed from House committee assignments by Republican leadership. We contacted Carra, who claimed he was one of four Republicans “suppressed” by Speaker of the House Joe Tate, a Democrat, following eight Republicans including Carra not voting for Tate as the speaker. “Ultimately, it’s the Speaker of the House who determines committee assignments,” Carra said. Carra also said that his committee assignments have not been discussed much on the campaign trail. “I do know that my opponents have made an issue of that, but I don’t feel like the community has heard or been intrigued by it as much.”

Throughout my life, both in the military and serving my community, I’ve witnessed the positive impact that effective leadership can have.

I’ve seen firsthand the importance of addressing issues head-on, whether it’s improving education, supporting local businesses, or tackling infrastructure challenges. I believe in transparency, accountability, and putting the needs of our community first.

I couldn’t stand by and watch as important decisions were delayed or ignored. I am committed to stepping up and bringing fresh ideas and a proactive approach to representing our district. I want to ensure that our voices are heard in Lansing and that we are actively working towards a better future for everyone in District 36.

Ultimately, my decision to run stems from a deep-seated belief in the power of leadership to make a difference. I am ready to roll up my sleeves, listen to our community’s concerns, and work tirelessly to create positive change as your state representative.

We deserve a representative who is not only present but actively engaged in the legislative process, someone who will fight for our interests and ensure that our community’s needs are prioritized.

It’s time for a change—a representative who will restore accountability, transparency, and genuine representation. I am committed to stepping into this role and being the advocate, our district deserves. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and build a brighter future for all in Cass and St. Joseph County.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role? If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

Yes, I have had the privilege of serving in public leadership roles. Since April 2022, I have been a dedicated member of the Sturgis City Commission, where I have actively participated in decision-making processes that directly impact our community. My tenure on the City Commission has provided me with valuable experience in understanding local governance, collaborating with fellow Commissioners, and advocating for the interests of our residents.

In November 2023, I was honored to be appointed as Mayor, a role that has allowed me to further leverage my leadership skills and commitment to public service. As Mayor, I have focused on fostering transparency, reducing taxes, promoting civic engagement, and implementing initiatives that address the pressing needs of our community.

Some of my accomplishments include spearheading efforts to improve local infrastructure, championing economic development initiatives to support small businesses, and enhancing community services such as public safety and recreational programs. I have also worked diligently to ensure that our community’s voice is heard at higher levels of government, advocating for policies that benefit our residents.

My experience in public office has reinforced my dedication to serving our community with integrity, compassion, and a proactive approach. I am committed to continuing this work and making meaningful contributions to the well-being and prosperity of our district.

How long have you lived in the area you are seeking to represent?
I have proudly called Sturgis home for the past 26 years. During this time, I have developed a deep connection to our community and have witnessed firsthand its growth. My longstanding residency here has provided me with a understanding of the challenges we face, as well as an appreciation for the strengths and opportunities that exist within our district. This knowledge and personal investment in our community drives my commitment to effectively representing our interests and working tirelessly to enhance our quality of life and making Cass and St. Joseph County a better place to Work, Live and Raise a Family.

In your opinion, what are the three most important issues in the area, relative to the scope of your position, and why?
I believe the three most important issues in the area are the following:

1) Replacing the current State Representative who I believe is not representing us in Lansing.
2) Lack of housing is another issue that needs to be addressed.
3) Lack of infrastructure funding. When we don’t have a voice in Lansing our funding is being allocated to our districts who have an effective leadership in place.

What measures will you pursue to address those issues?
We deserve a representative who is not only present but actively engaged in the legislative process, someone who will fight for our interests and ensure that our community’s needs are prioritized. We need a leader who will roll up their sleeves, work tirelessly, and bring fresh perspectives to the table.

It’s time for a change—a representative who will restore accountability, transparency, and genuine representation. I am committed to stepping into this role and being the advocate, our district deserves. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and build a brighter future for all. I seek your vote on August 6, 2024.

What would you say is your leadership style, and how will you utilize its strengths in your position?

My leadership style can be described as collaborative and inclusive. I believe in fostering a team approach where everyone’s input is valued and considered. This will enable me to leverage different perspectives and talents to achieve common goals effectively.

In my position, I will use this leadership skill to strengthen community engagement and decision-making processes. By actively listening to community leaders, residents and stakeholders, I can better understand their concerns and priorities. This allows me to work more effectively on their behalf and ensure that their voices are heard in policy discussions.

My leadership skills promote transparency and accountability. I will strive to keep residents informed about decisions affecting our district. By maintaining open lines of communication and fostering trust, I am to build strong relationships and partnerships that will enhance our ability to approach local issues and strive for change.

Ultimately, by embracing this leadership style, I am confident I can effectively represent our community, navigate complex challenges, and deliver meaningful results that improve the lives of those I serve.

How would you work to regain or maintain the public’s trust in the Michigan House of Representatives?

Maintaining the public’s trust in the Michigan House of Representatives requires a concerted effort focused on transparency, accountability, and effective representation. Here’s how I would approach this challenge:

  • Transparency: Transparency is key to rebuilding trust. I would advocate for policies that ensure legislative processes are open and accessible to the public. This includes providing clear information about proposed legislation, committee hearings, and voting records. I would actively communicate with constituents through regular updates, town hall meetings, and digital platforms to keep them informed about legislative activities and decisions.
  • Accountability: Holding legislators accountable is crucial. I would support measures that promote ethical conduct, including strict adherence to codes of conduct and financial disclosure requirements. I would prioritize responsiveness to constituents’ concerns and inquiries, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their issues addressed promptly and effectively.
  • Effective Representation: As a representative, my primary focus would be on representing the best interests of my constituents. I would actively engage with community leaders, advocacy groups, and residents to understand their priorities and concerns. By advocating for policies and initiatives that directly benefit our district, I can demonstrate my commitment to serving the public’s interests above all else.
  • Collaboration and Bipartisanship: Building consensus across party lines is essential for effective governance. I would seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and political affiliations to find common ground on important issues. By prioritizing bipartisanship and inclusivity, I can foster a more cooperative and productive legislative environment that restores faith in the legislative process.
  • Ethical Leadership: Leading by example is critical. I would uphold high standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all aspects of my role as a representative. This includes rejecting special interests and prioritizing the needs of constituents above personal gain or political expedience.

In summary, regaining or maintaining the public’s trust in the Michigan House of Representatives requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, effective representation, collaboration, and ethical leadership. By prioritizing these principles, I am confident that we can rebuild trust, rebuild leadership and ensure that the legislative process serves the best interests of all in Cass and St. Joseph County.

Do you consider yourself a candidate with high personal integrity? If so, why?

Yes, I consider myself a candidate with high personal integrity. My commitment to integrity is rooted in my values and demonstrated through my actions and decisions throughout my life and career.

Firstly, I prioritize honesty and transparency in all aspects of my life, whether personal or professional. I believe in being forthright with constituents about my positions, priorities, and the rationale behind my decisions. This openness builds trust and ensures accountability to those I serve.

Secondly, I uphold ethical standards in my conduct and interactions. I have consistently acted with fairness, respect, and empathy toward others, regardless of their background or beliefs. I believe in treating everyone with dignity and fairness, fostering an inclusive community where diverse perspectives are valued.

Thirdly, I have a track record of keeping my commitments and fulfilling responsibilities diligently. Whether in my previous roles or personal endeavors, I have strived to meet and exceed expectations, honoring my obligations to the best of my ability.

Lastly, I am dedicated to serving the public interest above personal gain or partisan interests. My decision-making is guided by what I believe is best for our community and state, even if it requires making tough choices or standing up for unpopular but principled positions.

In conclusion, my commitment to personal integrity is unwavering, and I am dedicated to upholding these values as your representative. I believe that integrity is foundational to effective leadership and essential for earning and maintaining the trust of the people I serve.

How would your administration as a state representative (or next administration, if you are an incumbent) differ from previous administrations?

As a state representative, my administration would strive to bring about significant differences from previous administrations through several key approaches:

  • Leadership and Transparency: Leading by example and prioritizing the needs of constituents above personal gain or political expediency.
  • Accountability and Ethics: Upholding high standards of accountability and ethical conduct would be paramount. I would advocate for stronger ethics reforms and stricter enforcement of codes of conduct to prevent conflicts of interest and promote integrity in government. This includes transparent reporting of campaign finances and lobbying activities to maintain public trust.
  • Commitment to Results and Impact: Finally, my administration would be results-oriented, focusing on measurable outcomes and the real impact of legislative actions on our community. I would regularly evaluate the effectiveness of policies and programs, making adjustments as needed to ensure they deliver meaningful benefits to our constituents.

In summary, my administration as a state representative would differentiate itself by prioritizing transparency, accountability, community engagement, collaboration, innovative solutions, and a strong commitment to achieving tangible results for the people in Cass and St. Joseph.

How will you know that you’re accurately representing your community?
I will know by seeing how much funding our district is receiving from the State and passing legislation. I plan to remain active in my community, so I expect to get feedback from constituents.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?
As a business owner, I’ve made a living by working with people in the community. What does that mean to work with people? Working with people is the ability to effectively interact, cooperate, collaborate, and manage conflicts with other people in order to complete tasks and achieve common goals. For the past 14 years I have been fortunate to raise a family working for others.

I have served my country in the United States Army, I have served my community as the Mayor for the City of Sturgis, and it will be an honor and privilege to serve as your next State Representative for Cass and St. Joseph County.

The time has come to take back our district and make our voices heard in Lansing. Let’s work together to make Cass and St. Joseph a better place to Work, Live and Raise a Family. I seek your vote on August 6, 2024.