Candidate Questionnaire: Mickey Blashfield for Colon village trustee

Mickey Blashfield, Colon village trustee candidate. (Courtesy Mickey Blashfield)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for November’s Colon village trustee election. We will run all completed questionnaires from candidates in contested general election races in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Mickey Blashfield filled out our questionnaire. These are his answers. Blashfield, an incumbent, faces challengers Donald Scott D’Water, Jan Jones, Matthew Smith, John Sterlini, Keith M. Stickley, and Carl Thornton. The seven candidates are running for three village trustee offices.

Name: Mickey Blashfield  

Age: 60  

Address: 201 Goodell Street, Colon, MI  

Party affiliation: non-partisan (fiscal conservative, caring community member)

Are you an incumbent? Yes (Appointed & serving since May 2023)

Family (optional): I am unmarried, retired and have the time and energy to devote to Colon.

Relevant background experience from my professional and personal accomplishments include:

  • 30 years of Government Relations advocacy of a Fortune 500 transportation enterprise and President and CEO of the Michigan Trucking Association, working with all levels of government and public policy (including input on various laws, ordinances, and coalitions to advance the interests of my company, the transportation industry and community).
  • 18 years as Board President of the Mulberry Square Condominium Association, with a $500,000 annual budget (including a significant Reserve Fund for major infrastructure advancement).
  • 30+ years of serving on various Board of civic institutions, including the American Museum of Magic (Chairman), the Michigan Speaker’s Business Forum, Michigan Trucking Board of Governors (Chairman), Michigan Trucking Education Center (Secretary/Treasurer), the American Trucking Association (Midwest Regional Chair), MI Motor Carrier Advisory Board, and numerous panels, task forces and commissions.
  • 30+ years as a Magic Get Together attendee and an adopted Colon enthusiast and supporter, having grown up in a similar community (Homer, MI).

Why did you choose to run for village trustee?

I have no ax to grind and no agenda. I have definite opinions and always attempt to act based on a foundation of facts. Most importantly, I approach issues with an open mind, and I listen, looking toward achieving consensus on important decisions. Currently, I have the time and energy to contribute to the betterment of the community and my focus would be to study our budget process & priorities, listen to community, and seek ways to discharge our duties as a Village Council efficiently and cost-effectively. I look forward to being part of the solution to advance the interests of Colon.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role? If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

I have served on the current Council since May 2023 and my focus has been on budget discipline, strategic planning, implementing consistent progress. Of note, I have promoted investing community funds to achieve the highest interest rates (currently 4.5% annually vs. .5%). That involved implementing a Village Investment Policy and moving Village accumulated assets into the MI CLASS program to improve interest income from $1,200 per year currently to potentially $100,000 annually (Editor’s Note: This was Blashfield’s emphasis, not ours.) – with no risk!

Much of what comes to Council meetings could benefit from committee discussions/recommendations for more efficient public meetings and more deliberate decision making (rather than brainstorming at meetings and deferring decisions until months later).

What are the three most important issues facing your village and constituents?

Budget planning, fiscal discipline, establishing and FOLLOWING strategic processes all save time and community resources. A potential local marijuana ordinance has been discussed and I am committed to ensuring maximum community input as that process moves forward. Transparency and better communications of what issues are before Council are important so the Colon community know is set for action and so the public can have effective input. (Some of those issues that would benefit from effective public input include a multi-year overhaul of zoning ordinances, the marijuana ordinance discussion, and strategic planning for dealing with the wonderful “mature” trees that will require good business sense. Finally, planning for the future of police coverage for our community is an especially critical issue and several options need to be explored.

How will you work with your fellow village citizens, village leaders, and/or county leaders if elected?

I have always been a collaborator and believe that volunteer community leaders should be assigned to tasks that are based on their expertise and interest. Budget planning and cost-effective solutions for writing grants for assistance and strategic planning based on good options are all areas where I have a career of experience I would like to offer to Colon.

How would your term in office differ from previous terms, including your own, if applicable?

Follow through and strategic planning for the many issues facing Colon would benefit from another term to set a direction for addressing community challenges.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?

I grew up in a very similar community (Homer) and my career has provided a network of state & federal contacts that can be deployed on behalf of Colon to address the many issues facing our community. I humbly ask for your vote to work for Colon for another term.