Candidate Questionnaire: Jan Jones for Colon village trustee

Jan Jones, Colon village trustee candidate. (Courtesy Jan Jones)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for November’s Colon village trustee election. We will run all completed questionnaires from candidates in contested general election races in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Jan Jones filled out our questionnaire. These are her answers. Jones, a challenger, faces incumbent Mickey Blashfield and fellow challengers Donald Scott D’Water, Matthew Smith, John Sterlini, Keith M. Stickley, and Carl Thornton. The seven candidates are running for three village trustee offices.

Name: Jan Jones

Age: Jones did not answer this question.

Address: 683 Willow Dr., Colon, MI 49040

Party affiliation: Non-Partisan

Are you an incumbent? I am not an incumbent.

Family (optional): Jones did not answer this question.


After working 28 years for Holcim Inc., an international (Swiss-owned) cement manufacturer, I retired in 2005. In that capacity, I was a Cash Manager and then also worked as a Credit Manager. As Cash Manager, I handled budgets, investments and receivables for all of Holcim’s North American holdings. As a Cash Manager, my territory was the western region where I handled million dollar accounts in an effort to bring past due customers current.  After retirement, I worked as a consultant and eventually took another job for a Seattle, WA, based recycling company acting as a business opportunity manager. In that capacity, I did research and performed work on consulting contracts executed by my company. After 10 years working here, I again retired and now work at Colon Village Pharmacy assisting our pharmacy technicians. I especially love working with all the people here as I am exposed to many of our village residents who are customers of the pharmacy.

Why did you choose to run for village trustee?   

My goal is to help make Colon the kind of community that our citizens want to live in, to help keep taxes low, keep costs down, and to provide an open and honest form of government with 100% transparency.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role?  If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments? 

While a resident of Tecumseh, MI, I was an active volunteer assisting the township on voting day. I was also the Chairperson of the Tax Assessors Board of Review. As a member of our church, I held the office of Chairperson of our human relations committee and was also the Chair and President of Tecumseh’s Fresh Food Initiative, where I served as a leader and core member of a team that brought food to those in need in our community.

What are the three most important issues facing your village and constituents?

1.  Definitely the issue over bringing a marijuana business to our village. This is an extremely important issue facing our village and our residents all need to have a say in this. I would like to be involved in this discussion and learn more of its present status. 

2.  Understanding community challenges and having a say in making improvements. It is important that the trustees understand the role of the Board and the value of our political system and the roles and responsibilities of each member.

3.  Transparency. Communicating more effectively so all residents are aware of current processes under review. Ultimately, I seek to meet the wants and needs of our citizens and I have the willingness and ability to communicate thoughts in a clear, concise and logical manner to all. 

How will you work with your fellow village citizens, village leaders, and/or county leaders if elected? 

Through my background, I have a thorough understanding of “team work” – not only with fellow board members but also listening to all citizens of our community.  I promise to always have an “open door” policy and pledge to listen to the concerns of everyone!

How would your term in office differ from previous terms, including your own, if applicable?

Jones did not answer this question.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?   

In addition to my background as described above, I was also a certified realtor, where I gained a thorough understanding of real estate and properties. I am a certified cash manager having passed a challenging test with the federal treasury department. I also have passed an engineering test and am Green Roads certified which is a non-profit corporation that advances sustainability education and initiatives for transportation infrastructure. I have open mindedness, good listening skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and adaptability.

(Thanks for reading this and I would very much appreciate, and be grateful for, your vote!)