Candidate Questionnaire: Kendra Ackerman for Colon school board trustee

Kendra Ackerman, seen with daughter Madeline, is a candidate for Colon school board trustee. (Courtesy Kendra Ackerman)

The following is Watershed Voice’s candidate questionnaire for November’s Colon school board trustee election. We will run all completed questionnaires from candidates in contested general election races in the order they’re received prior to Election Day. ​

Kendra Ackerman filled out our questionnaire. These are her answers. Ackerman, a challenger, faces incumbent Deborah L. Bordner and fellow challengers Cathy Fellers, Kory Frisbie, Tim Haidl, and Paige Smolarz. The six candidates are running for two school board trustee offices.

Name: Kendra Ackerman

Age: 38

Address: 538 E. State St., Colon, MI

Party affiliation: N/A

Are you an incumbent? No.

Family (optional): I am happily married to my husband of 11 years. We have 3 children, ages 15, 14, and 4. The older 2 are students at Colon High School and the youngest will attend Colon Elementary in fall 2025.


I am a 2004 graduate who has dedicated my life to serving the children of this community. I began my career at Colon Schools as a substitute paraprofessional in 2012. In the Elementary School, I have worked full time in the GSRP classrooms for 2 years and have served as a lunch/recess monitor, assistant to the counselor, and parent volunteer. In the High School, I have been the administrative assistant as well as a special education paraprofessional. I have also lead students in both algebra enrichment and middle school math. All this is recent, as I chose to end my employment at the start of the 24/25 school year.

Why did you choose to run for the Colon School Board?

Having been a recent staff member gives me “boots on the ground” insight as to the climate of both buildings. I can see where we are excelling and where we could stand to improve. My employment history also lends itself to solutions we could use to help the school.

Have you previously held public office, or have you served in a public leadership role? If so, what is your experience, and what are some of your accomplishments?

I have held many volunteer positions working with the children of this community, which I believe gives me a valuable perspective on the needs of ALL our students. I have worked with a previous counselor to meet the needs of the most vulnerable by providing clothing, food and hygiene products to our students. I have been a troop leader for both our girl scout and boy scout troops. I have coached both t-ball and rocket cheerleading. Currently I serve as the treasurer for our athletic booster club and on the board for Magi Youth sports.

What are the three most important issues facing your school district?

Staff and student morale, staff turnover, and lack of accountability.

How will you address or help facilitate school safety?

I feel that our school currently does an excellent job to address safety. We have cameras above each entrance and a badge system that must be used to enter, as well as a school resource officer.

How will you address or help facilitate the mental health of students, staff, and faculty?

Based on what I have heard from students, the addition of Wicker, our emotional support dog, has been a HUGE blessing to all. He brings so much joy to the students. However, we must work on staff retention and morale. Retaining trusted and exceptional staff members needs to be made a priority. Students should be able to rely on the continuing support of their teachers year after year. The feeling of safety and security this gives our students is vital. It is part of the foundation they will use to excel in life on whatever path they choose. When our staff is struggling, our students struggle. The School Board MUST provide clear, concise leadership and consistency. If the board is strong, admin can operate effectively, leading to teachers thriving, meaning students can flourish.

How will you address or help facilitate that your schools will have enough staff, whether teachers, bus drivers, or any position?

I believe that we need to take a hard look at our budget. The pandemic changed everything. Schools received large sums of money during that time. However, that money has recently dried up. We must be good stewards of the money we do have and sure that it is being allocated in the smartest way possible to best meet the needs of our staff and students. This coupled with a culture change will do wonders to attract new candidates and keep the staff we have.

How will you address or help facilitate that your schools attract and maintain a full staff and student body?

As stated above, we need to look at our budget and make sure we are maximizing staff salaries and benefits. The staff at Colon Schools are amazing, I can go on and on about each of them. Having been a staff member, I can say that a large part of what makes people want to return is the family environment the staff creates. We are genuinely all friends. Retaining staff who connect well with students and excel in their field is critical in creating an environment where students also excel. You never know which staff member a student will connect with, they are each priceless. We also need to stop half-doing 100 things and do 20 with excellence. When we do well, admin does well, staff does well and the kids do well. When our kids do well, it attracts others to come join us.

How will you work with your fellow board members and school administration if elected?

I work well with others, as evidenced by my relationship with past coworkers and the number of volunteer positions I have held and currently hold. I will be in the building assisting, supporting, and participating in meetings as often as they will have me and my schedule allows. Being involved at the school is what I have chosen to do with my adult life, there is nowhere better for me to invest my time. Being active and present is of the utmost importance to me.

How would your term in office differ from previous school board terms, including your own, if applicable?

I am an intensely loyal person, but I always have questions. If an idea can’t hold up under light questioning, it probably isn’t the best solution. You can’t allow a person genuinely trying to understand something to ruffle your feathers. It makes it look like you’re hiding something. The school board is the top of the chain and we need one that will listen to staff and parent concerns. Burying your head in the sand and insisting everything is fine when it is not, is not an option. Sometimes the easiest solution isn’t the best one, and I am not afraid to go against the grain. Doing what is right isn’t always what is easy, it still needs to be done though. Even if the cost is steep.

Is there anything else your prospective constituents should know about you, your platform, your views, or your background?

I am not a respecter of persons, meaning that I treat the custodian with the same respect I treat a CEO. I actually cringe to type that, because the implication is that the custodian is less than, and that is flat out not true. I prided myself on creating an inclusive environment where all students could thrive and feel loved. The haves and have nots, the “jocks’” the band kids, the ones who did well academically and the ones who struggle. Each one is a treasure worth investing in. While I don’t currently serve our community’s children in the classroom, it would be an honor to serve them, and you, on our school’s board.