“Nine years ago, my family and I said our final goodbyes to our home on East Street in Three Rivers and moved into the big world beyond the triple ripples. Well actually, we moved up to Portage, which I suppose isn’t really that big or that far away, but the move was the closing of one chapter of our lives and the beginning of another. We lived in TR for over 12 years, years that were undoubtedly some of the happiest of my life.”

A contentious conversation over a statement on racial justice in the midst of recent and current national events continued at a Three Rivers Community Schools (TRCS) work session Monday. Board of Education (BOE) members Dan Ryan, Anne Riopel, and Kevin Hamilton discussed the relative merits of possible wording of the statement, as well as the potential for curriculum changes that might address issues of racism.

Note: This article contains strong language and references to racial slurs.

Downtown Three Rivers planning its next round of advancement, and is asking the public to help by providing its opinion through a short survey. Building upon its success at opening new businesses in the historic downtown district over the last few years, the Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority and Main Street Program (TRDDA) is receiving a technical assistance service from Michigan Main Street (MMS) and its consultants to begin more proactive business recruitment.