A major overhaul is in the works for a document that helps set the future character of downtown Kalamazoo. At a regular meeting of the Kalamazoo City Commission this past Monday, City Planner Christina Anderson detailed proposed changes to the city code that will introduce a concept called form-based zoning to the city. A public hearing on the proposed changes is scheduled to take place this coming Monday, November 2.

“Nine years ago, my family and I said our final goodbyes to our home on East Street in Three Rivers and moved into the big world beyond the triple ripples. Well actually, we moved up to Portage, which I suppose isn’t really that big or that far away, but the move was the closing of one chapter of our lives and the beginning of another. We lived in TR for over 12 years, years that were undoubtedly some of the happiest of my life.”

Summer is well underway. With some pandemic restrictions still in place and local cases climbing, cabin fever remains a reality for many. For St. Joseph County residents seeking activities that follow the rules and precautions, outdoor recreational opportunities provide a wide range of viable and safe options. Watershed Voice has compiled a basic list of places for outdoor activities both locally and in other Michigan locales within an hour and a half of Three Rivers.