Poet, voice actor, author, and Three Rivers community activist Aundrea Sayrie is passionate about helping people in all capacities. Having blindly navigated her own way through becoming a voice actor, she decided to write a DIY book for others in her situation: A Closed Mouth Won’t Get Fed.

Read Aundrea’s interview with Watershed Voice and learn about the trials, tribulations, and small victories that led to her grassroots guide for anyone interested in becoming a voice actor.

Local author and hairstylist Brittni Huyck drops by Keep Your Voice Down to talk about her Iron City Heat Series, a trio of what Alek calls “spicy novels” and Doug, an adult, calls romantic novels. The Three Rivers native describes her writing process, what her family, friends, and clients think of her “dirty books,” and what their support has meant to her. Brittni also talks about how her life, the people in it, and her experience as a hairstylist have influenced her creative endeavors.

Watershed Voice reached out to Ty Kovac, a local romance novelist who writes as Tylor Paige, and who recently published a new book called “The Seven Little Deaths.” She will be hosting a book signing at Healing Worlds in downtown Three Rivers on Saturday, May 28. Watershed Voice is also giving away her book “Missing You, Missing Me” as part of this month’s subscription contest.